Tutorial for running OrthoMCL

OrthoMCL is the leading piece of software for inferring orthologs across several organisms. In this tutorial I will provide detailed instructions for running a set of protein annotations through OrthoMCL.

Software and Data

  1. OrthoMCL, and it’s dependencies, must be installed. Detailed information on this tool and its installation can be found here. I actually used a slightly modified version of OrthoMCL that was made available by the author of the orthomcl-pipeline (see below). There isn’t much details on the ways this is different from the existing OrthoMCL, but this is available here.
  2. orthmcl-pipeline must also be installed, as this is how we will automate the OrthoMCL process. Detailed information on this tool and its installation can be found here. There is also a nice overview of the processes we’ll be essentially going through below located here.
  3. Protein sequences from desired organisms must also be assembled. In this example, I am using a de novo annotation that I produced for one species and am combining these data with protein annotations retrieved from NCBI for 4 other species, as follows:

We will be specifically downloading the protein sequences in FASTA format (see banner at top of the page) and will also follow the link to see the tabular annotation data, which we can download on the next page (you’ll see why in a minute).

Setting up MySQL

We will be using a MySQL database to store data when running OrthoMCL, so we need to set this up for the first time. First, we must change the default storage engine used by MySQL to be myisam and not innodb. This is because of an error that may appear later that is documented here. Note that I tried increasing the buffer size for innodb, as documented on that page, but that this didn’t work. The details of this aren’t important, but myisam works based on my limited experience. To do so, open the my.cnf file (stored in /etc/mysql/ on Linux systems) that stores settings for MySQL and append the following lines beneath the [mysqld] tag.

# * Set database engine
default-storage-engine  = myisam

It is easy to make this change by running nano with root access.

nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf`

This has the effect of making myisam the default storage engine for any new database. We must restart MySQL so that this change can take effect, which can be done by issuing a command like this:

sudo service mysql restart

Now we should create a new MySQL user so that OrthoMCL can create the desired database. To do this, we must log into MySQL as the root user.

mysql -u root
# a password usually isn't necessary if you've never used mysql

Now we can create a generic user by issuing the following command at the MySQL prompt. I just used these simple (but unsecure) settings, but feel free to customize the username (orthomcl) and password (password) as desired.

CREATE USER 'orthomcl'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

You can issue the command exit to get out of MySQL. Now let’s create the database we would like to write our OrthoMCL data to. First make sure you are in the desired working directory for the downstream MySQL run. Now we can use a script from orthomcl-pipeline to automatically create the database. In this command we are supplying the username and password we created above and also naming the database (I’m using the generic name orthomcl but customize as desired). We just also write out settings to a file that will be used again later using --outfile.

orthomcl-setup-database.pl --user orthomcl --password password --host localhost --database orthomcl --outfile orthomcl.conf

Now let’s do one more step to make sure that OrthoMCL will have the proper permissions it needs to write the data it generates to our orthomcl database.

mysql -u root

You can now make sure our orthomcl user has full privileges to this database.

use orthomcl;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON orthomcl.* TO 'orthomcl'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

It is also worth checking to make sure our database has the correct storage engine set (myisam).

SELECT TABLE_NAME, ENGINE FROM information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'database';

Our database is now ready for us to run OrthoMCL.

Preparing our data

While the orthomcl-pipeline makes running OrthoMCL pretty straight-forward, we first need to prepare our data a little bit. First, the headers for the FASTA protein sequences currently aren’t conducive to running OrthoMCL. We instead want them in the format organism_ID|protein_ID, where organism_ID is a short ID that is unique to each FASTA file and protein_ID is the protein ID set by NCBI (usually has a NP_ or XP_ prefix) or by MAKER. We can easily do this using bioawk. Here is how we would do this using our Anolis proteins.

bioawk -c fastx '{ print ">Acar|"$name; print $seq }' GCF_000090745.1_AnoCar2.0_protein.faa

Now or organism_ID is always a short, easy to discern Acar and the protein_ID is the first part of the existing FASTA header before the first space (i.e., the NP_ portion).

Beyond formatting the FASTA headers, we also want to filter the protein data further. Let’s only work with longer proteins of 50 amino acids or longer. We can use seqkit to easily filter our protein FASTA files, which excludes some proteins.

seqkit seq -m 50 GCF_000090745.1_AnoCar2.0_protein.faa

Finally, in the case of NCBI proteins (and likely proteins from other sources), we will have some redundancy in the form of different isoforms for the same gene. We would like to collapse this down and only keep a single isoform for each gene for the OrthoMCL analysis. This is where the tabular annotation data from NCBI will come into play. The following command will extract the longest protein product (i.e., isoform) for each distinct Gene ID to produce a new, somewhat smaller protein FASTA file with no redundancy.

tail -n +2 GCF_000090745.1_AnoCar2.0_protein_table.txt | sort -k9,9nr | sort -ut $'\t' -k6,6 | cut -f 8 | seqkit grep -f - GCF_000090745.1_AnoCar2.0_protein.faa

We can easily pipe all of these commands together to produced the processed FASTA protein files that we need to run OrthoMCL. Let’s say we have our protein FASTA files (i.e., _protein.faa) and our annotation data (stored with a _protein_table.txt suffix) stored in a directory called raw in our working directory. OrthoMCL will run on all FASTA files in a specified directory, so let’s write our processed protein FASTAs to a new directory called processed with the extension .fasta (required by OrthoMCL).

Note: The annotation data file (stored with a _protein_table.txt suffix) is obtained from NCBI. To retrieve those data, you must go to the genome page for a given organism assembly and you will see a link to download the genome annotation in “tabular” format near the top of the page. If you follow that link, you are brought to a table rendered in the browser. You can easily download this to a text file (and rename accordingly) by clicking the “Download Table” link near the top, right of the page. The genome page for Anolis carolinensis is found here and the direct link to the protein table is here.

# directory structure
# example with Anolis
tail -n +2 raw/GCF_000090745.1_AnoCar2.0_protein_table.txt | \
sort -k9,9nr | sort -ut $'\t' -k6,6 | cut -f 8 | \
seqkit grep -f - raw/GCF_000090745.1_AnoCar2.0_protein.faa | \
seqkit seq -m 50 | bioawk -c fastx '{ print ">Acar|"$name; print $seq }' \
> processed/Acar.fasta

And here are the commands I used for all 5 samples (note that the processing for the Boa genome is simpler because we don’t have issues with isoforms like we do with the NCBI genomes). In each case I’m using 4 letter organism_ID prefixes.

tail -n +2 raw/GCF_000090745.1_AnoCar2.0_protein_table.txt | \
sort -k9,9nr | sort -ut $'\t' -k6,6 | cut -f 8 | \
seqkit grep -f - raw/GCF_000090745.1_AnoCar2.0_protein.faa | \
seqkit seq -m 50 | bioawk -c fastx '{ print ">Acar|"$name; print $seq }' \
> processed/Acar.fasta
tail -n +2 raw/GCF_000186305.1_Python_molurus_bivittatus-5.0.2_protein_table.txt | \
sort -k9,9nr | sort -ut $'\t' -k6,6 | cut -f 8 | \
seqkit grep -f - raw/GCF_000186305.1_Python_molurus_bivittatus-5.0.2_protein.faa | \
seqkit seq -m 50 | bioawk -c fastx '{ print ">Pmol|"$name; print $seq }' \
> processed/Pmol.fasta
tail -n +2 raw/GCF_001077635.1_Thamnophis_sirtalis-6.0_protein_table.txt | \
sort -k9,9nr | sort -ut $'\t' -k6,6 | cut -f 8 | \
seqkit grep -f - raw/GCF_001077635.1_Thamnophis_sirtalis-6.0_protein.faa | \
seqkit seq -m 50 | bioawk -c fastx '{ print ">Tsir|"$name; print $seq }' \
> processed/Tsir.fasta
tail -n +2 raw/GCF_001527695.2_P.Mucros_1.0_protein_table.txt | \
sort -k9,9nr | sort -ut $'\t' -k6,6 | cut -f 8 | \
seqkit grep -f - raw/GCF_001527695.2_P.Mucros_1.0_protein.faa | \
seqkit seq -m 50 | bioawk -c fastx '{ print ">Pmuc|"$name; print $seq }' \
> processed/Pmuc.fasta
seqkit seq -m 50 raw/Bcon_rnd3.all.maker.proteins.fasta | \
bioawk -c fastx '{ print ">Bcon|"$name; print $seq }' \
> processed/Bcon.fasta

Running OrthoMCL

We’re finally ready to run OrthoMCL using the orthomcl-pipeline. This is the easiest portion of this tutorial. Let’s first create a directory for the output in our working directory.

mkdir orthomcl_out

Now we can construct our command and put it into a shell script. We’ll use settings that tell orthomcl-pipeline that our data is compliant with the required formatting (see above), that keeps all intermediate data (in case we want it), that splits our data into 10 chunks for running BLAST (I have 12 cores available, so I set this to 10), and we’ll pass in the orthomcl.conf file we created earlier with the names of the input and output directories.

cat orthomcl_run.sh
# output:
# orthomcl-pipeline --no-cleanup --compliant -s 10 -m orthomcl.conf -i processed -o orthomcl_out

We can now run the pipeline, using screen to manage the terminal and writing a log file.

screen -S orthomcl
bash ./orthomcl_run.sh 2>&1 | tee orthomcl_run.log

That’s it! With these data and my system, this only took about a day to run. Adding more data (i.e., species) will increase the run time.

Summarizing the Results

It turns out there isn’t much out there in the way of tutorial and tools for summarizing the results of OrthoMCL. So, here are some commands that will help when OrthoMCL is finished.

Proteins that are not clustered into othologous groups (i.e., present in at least 2 species) are exluced from the resulting groups.txt output file. Here is a command that will output a single line for all of the unclustered genes in all species, with unclustered: in the first column and the gene IDs for all species in subsequent columns (space delimited). You will have to adjust for the organism IDs you are using and the location of the input compliant FASTA sequences. You can put this in its own file or append it to the existing groups.txt file. I will do the latter and create a new file called groups.all.txt.

for species in Acar Bcon Pmol Pmuc Tsir; \
do cat \
<(cat groups/groups.txt | \
awk -v species="$species" '{ for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) if ($i ~ species) print $i }') \
<(bioawk -c fastx '{ print $name }' ../processed/$species.fasta) | \
sort | uniq -u; \
done | \
paste -s -d ' ' | \
paste -d ' ' <(echo "unclustered:") - | \
cat groups/groups.txt - > groups/groups.all.txt

It is also useful to have counts for each cluster for each species, rather than a long list of the proteins. That’s pretty easy to do as well.

cat groups/groups.all.txt | \
awk '{ acar=bcon=pmol=pmuc=tsir=0; for(i=2; i<=NF; i++) \
if ($i ~ "Acar") acar += 1; \
else if ($i ~ "Bcon") bcon += 1; \
else if ($i ~ "Pmol") pmol += 1; \
else if ($i ~ "Pmuc") pmuc += 1; \
else if ($i ~ "Tsir") tsir += 1; \
print $1, acar, bcon, pmol, pmuc, tsir }' > groups/groups.all.counts.txt

Let’s go further and tabulate some basic information about orthologs.

  1. How many ortholog clusters have a single gene in each species (full 1:1 orthologs)?
cat groups/groups.all.counts.txt | \
awk '{ if ($2 == 1 && $3 == 1 && $4 == 1 && $5 == 1 && $6 == 1) print $0 }' | \
wc -l
  1. How many have a single gene in at least two of the species (1:1 orthologs)?
cat groups/groups.all.counts.txt | \
awk '{ if (($2 == 1 || $2 == 0) && ($3 == 1 || $3 == 0) && ($4 == 1 || $4 == 0) && \
($5 == 1 || $5 == 0) && ($6 == 1 || $6 == 0)) print $0 }' | \
wc -l
  1. How about how many of the above 1:1 orthologs are found in each genome? (The 1st column is the column number and the 2nd is the count.)
cat groups/groups.all.counts.txt | \
awk '{ if (($2 == 1 || $2 == 0) && ($3 == 1 || $3 == 0) && ($4 == 1 || $4 == 0) && \
($5 == 1 || $5 == 0) && ($6 == 1 || $6 == 0)) print $0 }' | \
awk '{ for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) sum[i] += $i } END { for (i in sum) print i, sum[i] }' | \
sort -k1,1
  1. Now let’s figure out how many groups contain at least two paralogs that are found in only 1 of the species. (The 1st column is the column number and the 2nd is the count.)
cat groups/groups.all.counts.txt | \
awk '{ count=0; for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) if ($i == 0) count += 1; if (count == NF - 2) print $0 }' |  \
awk '{ for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) sum[i] += $i } END {for (i in sum) print i, sum[i] }' | \
sort -k1,1
  1. How many groups are expanded (size > 1) in each species? (Note we have to factor out the last row of unclustered genes. The 1st column is the column number and the 2nd is the count.)
cat groups/groups.all.counts.txt | \
awk '{ count=0; for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) if ($i == 0) count += 1; if (count < NF - 2) print $0 }' |  \
awk '{ for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) if ($i > 1) sum[i] += 1 } END { for (i in sum) print i, sum[i] - 1 }' | \
sort -k1,1
  1. How many groups are expanded (size = 1) in each species? This encompasses 1:1 orthologs from above. (The 1st column is the column number and the 2nd is the count.)
cat groups/groups.all.counts.txt | \
awk '{ count=0; for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) if ($i == 0) count += 1; if (count < NF - 2) print $0 }' |  \
awk '{ for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) if ($i == 1) sum[i] += 1 } END { for (i in sum) print i, sum[i] }' | \
sort -k1,1

These types of data are usually plotted as stacked barplots. Also see here for another interesting way of displaying these data.