Setting-up automatic Git pushing upon file change


  1. Make sure inotify-tools is installed (
  2. Configure git as usual
  3. Clone the git repository of interest from github and, if necessary, add file you want to monitor
  4. Allow username/password to be cached so you aren’t asked everytime
    git config credential.helper store
  5. Open a terminal and navigate, as necessary; issue the following command
    # <<branch>> = branch you are pushing to
    # <<file>> = file you want to monitor
    inotifywait -q -m -e CLOSE_WRITE --format="git commit -m 'auto commit' %w && git push origin <<branch>>" <<file>> | bash
  6. In a separate shell, do whatever you want and when monitored file is updated, it will automatically get committed and pushed (as long as the shell with the inotifywait command is still active)


  1. Make sure fswatch is installed (
  2. Configure git as usual
  3. Clone the git repository of interest from github and, if necessary, add file you want to monitor
  4. Allow username/password to be cached so you aren’t asked everytime
    git config credential.helper store
  5. Create a script that performs the commit and push (
    # <<branch>> = branch you are pushing to
    git commit -m "auto commit" $1
    git push origin <<branch>>
  6. Open a terminal and navigate, as necessary; issue the following command
    # <<file>> = file you want to monitor
    # <<path/to/>> = path to the script created above
    fswatch -0 <<file>> | xargs -0 -n 1 bash <<path/to/>>
  7. In a separate shell, do whatever you want and when monitored file is updated, it will automatically get committed and pushed (as long as the shell with the fswatch command is still active)